Category Archives: Education

While America Crumbles Into Wokeness; China Seeks Spiritual Sustenance In Confucianism

China, Communism, Culture, Education, Multiculturalism, Nationalism, Nationhood

As America’s youth become more un-moored from traditions, increasingly libertine, ignorant, morally loose and disrespectful, and lousy at writing, reasoning, and speaking about anything other than raaaaaacism—the Chinese are returning to classical, traditional education.

In Confucianism, the Chinese had a grand and ancient tradition before their native culture was decimated by communism. Unlike our own Traitor Class, their leaders know what strengthens the soul, and they want to infuse the nation with that cultural sustenance the better to make it stronger. Bereft of militarist, American-style multiculturalism to hobble the national spirit, and with their Muslim population heavily controlled—there is no stopping the Chinese.

“Chinese parents are keen on a more Confucian education,” explains The Economist, “so is the government, hoping it will boost patriotism and fill a moral vacuum”:

There is “a growing nationwide demand for guoxue, or ‘national studies.'”

This usually involves learning classical Chinese thought, texts and morals, especially those associated with Confucius. Children … are taught how to bow, how to greet each other politely in the street and how to sit attentively, with back straight and hands placed carefully in their laps. In one room they noisily stamp leaves onto muslin bags to learn an ancient dyeing technique. In others they recite poems, practise calligraphy, perform tea ceremonies and play Chinese chess. But, say teachers, mastering skills is secondary to building character. A child learns to “respect her rival and accept defeat” in chess; in the tea room, to “value what is fragile as you would a porcelain cup”.

After decades of worshiping foreign trends, many people are now interested in such traditions. Television shows include “Chinese Poetry Conference”, in which members of the public are quizzed on classical stanzas. Young people don traditional robes in public. At the heart of the trend is education. …

Revered for 2,500 years, Confucius was vilified during the 20th century. Guoxue fans speak of “a hundred-year gap”. In 1905 the failing Qing dynasty abolished imperial civil-service examinations based on the sishu, the four Confucian texts. Modernisers saw the beliefs as blocking progress.

The worst assaults were after the Communists came to power in 1949. During the Cultural Revolution, Mao exhorted people to smash anything old. Gangs of Red Guards swarmed Qufu, the sage’s hometown, and blew up his tomb. It was only in the mid-1980s, nearly a decade after Mao’s death, that the anniversary of Confucius’s birth could be marked once again. …

China’s return to tradition is driven in part by a sense of cultural loss. Many Chinese people are eager to rediscover their heritage, stripped away by decades of Communist rule. But it is also flourishing because it now meshes with official objectives. President Xi Jinping has done more than any other modern leader to elevate Confucian ideas. Soon after coming to power in 2013, Mr Xi visited Qufu, as emperors had done before him. He called for “new and positive roles” for Confucianism.

The ancient system of thought emphasises respect for authority, reverence for ancestors and deference to elders. Confucius taught that such values were essential to achieve moral excellence as an individual. Such upstanding citizens would form the basis for wider social harmony and political stability. Emperors used the philosophy to instill obedience. Mr Xi wants to do the same. Party leaders also approve of Confucianism because, unlike socialism, it is home-grown. It appeals to young nationalists who cheer the party’s call for wenhua zixin, or cultural self-confidence….

…The number of classical texts to be taught in schools increased from 14 to 72. In 2017 the government put out guidelines for having a comprehensive guoxue syllabus in primary and secondary schools by 2025. …

…For many Chinese, the sage’s musings hold a different appeal. In neglected Confucian morals, educators see a set of values that may be a solution to modern social ills, just as some in the West turn to traditional Christian values. Jia Hong, who set up Huaguoshan and two other guoxue pre-schools, says, “Nowadays we hear about so much bullying and brattish behaviour.” Many think a lack of good manners is to blame. Three-quarters of the 200 children at Ms Jia’s kindergartens used to attend regular ones. She says parents remark on how Confucian rituals have calmed their children and helped them focus.

The Economist, May 22, 2021.

UPDATED (5/18): Mercer’s Idea Of ‘WASP Homoerotism’ And Buchanan’s ‘Ethnomasochism’

Education, Ethics, Etiquette, Ilana Mercer, Morality, Sex

On February 6, 2017, I wrote a column titled, “Are Liberals Turned-On By Turning The Other (Gluteus Maximus) Cheek?

To quote:

“It’s as though liberal men derive homo-erotic pleasure from bowing-and-scraping to assailants and ceding to racial claims-making.”

The insight rang powerful, true and utterly naughty. So I ran the column again in April 27, 2018, for WND. To quote:

The pale, liberal patriarchy is a pioneer in forever scrutinizing itself for signs of racism and deficits in empathy toward “The Other,” while readily accusing others of the same.
It’s as though liberal men derive erotic pleasure from prostrating themselves to assailants and ceding to racial claims-making. Could it be that liberal men are driven by a powerful homo-erotic impulsive?

The theme of sexual-submission really jelled in “The Barbarians Are In Charge: Scenes From The Sacking of America,” published first on June 11, 2020.

The column described the “Kneeling Ninnies”—those who lay down for the Black Lives Matter thugs during last year’s BLM riots; men, cops too, “who knelt down like girls, instead of standing tall like men for law and order”:

men in uniform all collapsed to the pavements like yogis to the command of their black tormentors. One after another. … The forces, police and paramilitary, all squatted like sissies

I concluded:

It’s almost as though WASPs get a homo-erotic sexual charge out of prostrating themselves in front of The Evil Other.

Tying sexual-submission to the acts of WASPs kneeling and ceding ground en masse to The Evil Other: This is an idiosyncratic idea: my own.

But what do you know? On May 17, 2021, Pedro Gonzales fingers the response to the BLM rioting and general punditry meekness as psycho-sexual ethnomasocism. He says:

I’ve characterized it as a kind of psychosexual enthomasocism.”

Homo-erotic; psycho-sexual, potato, potahto.

Ethnomasochism, of course, came into use via Patrick J. Buchanan. The term is from Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025?

John Derbyshire does the honest linguistic forensics: “The earliest usage in a book that I am aware of is in Pat Buchanan’s 2011 Suicide of a Superpower.” However, Pat, says Derbyshire, was preceded by Jared Taylor.

One might convincingly—and charitably—argue that “ethnomasochism” as a term has come into common use.

However a term is not a concept.  And tying sexual-submission to the acts of WASPs kneeling or ceding ground en masse to The Evil Other is an idiosyncratic Mercer concept. Like it or not, it comes from an oeuvre typical with such insight over 21 years.

Ethnomasocism is Buchanan via Taylor.

“Mental telepathy”?

Conservatives, teach the kids to cite their sources, as part of a personal ethic. Teachers are clearly not imparting that ethic.

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*Image link

UPDATE (5/18): My knowledge of my own work is photographic; the idiom, the expressions, the way of thinking. So, the ears definitely perk-up at this stray, familiar quip:

Pedro Gonzales, April 29, 2021:

I regret to inform you that the absolute top priority of the conservative movement and the GOP today is assuring Americans that Democrats are the real racists.”

“…Democrats are the real racists” is the Mercer verbatim description, in 2014, of GOP “silly tit-for-tat argumentation”:

: “…DEMOCRATS ARE THE REAL RACISTS; Republicans are the party of Lincoln, the liberator of blacks. We’re against abortion and welfare because we love blacks.” (From “Fee-Fi-Fo-Fem, I Smell The Blood Of A Racist,” ilana mercer, May 16, 2014.)

As for the “Conservative Case for a Higher Minimum Wage“: The inimitable Ron Unz had made the case in 2014.

Myself, I would have acknowledged those who went before. Ron sure did:

Over the last few weeks prominent conservatives such as Phyllis Schlafly and Bill O’Reilly have endorsed a much higher minimum wage and a leading economic writer at National Review did the same several months ago. The Daily Caller, one of the most widely read conservative publications, recently ran a 2,500 word article highlighting all the important conservative reasons for supporting a minimum wage hike, and numerous rightwing pundits have been saying the same things on their websites for the last couple of years. I’m very glad that more and more conservatives are now coming around to supporting the conservative side of this issue, joining liberals who are supporting a wage hike for all sorts of liberal reasons.

A White-Out On Whites In Critical Race Theory Conversations

Communism, Critical Race Theory, Education, Political Correctness, Race, Racism, Republicans

This look-away idiocy is fascinating me. Other than Michelle Malkin (who seems to be barred from mainstream TV), I can’t think of one conservative commentator who has articulated the crux of Critical Race Theory, which necessitates uttering of the word “anti-white.”

Nobody in mainstream conservative media will puncture the Big Lie, which is that the Critical Race Grand Project is about the “reeducation, subjugation and intimidation of whites” qua whites.

Critical Race Theory in schools, for example, is always and everywhere euphemized as things other than anti-white. Without exceptions.

Dr. Swain’s discussion of the “anti-racism journey” mandated in school agitprop is one of countless examples:

The video Dr. Swain is asked to comment about is unambiguous: It displays an aggressive black narrators gesticulating in gangster-vocals against “white privilege.” Another “unhelpful” white individual, a stupidly-dressed Stepford wife, makes an appearance to belittle herself. The whole thing aims untoward hostility against innocent whites.

The reply from Ingraham’s guest is a white-out of whites: Critical race theory is rooted in Marxism, she says, as they all do, and it harms America. Well, yeah, if making students even stupider than they are harms all Americans, then yes.

Omitted is that whites are the sole repository of hate and aggression in the critical race campaign sweeping these particular DC schools.

UPDATE III (4/9): NEW COLUMN: The Wussification Of The West: Will We Ban Shakespeare For Othello And Shylock?

Argument, Comedy & Humor, Conservatism, Education, English, Free Speech, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Literature, Race, Racism, The West

The The Argument from Freedom means arguing process, not content.–ilana

NEW COLUMN IS either “The Wussification Of The West: Will We Ban Shakespeare For Othello And Shylock?” Or, “How Tucker Could Have Crushed His Dr. Seuss Segment,” currently on WND.COM, the Unz

How Tucker Could Have Crushed His Dr. Seuss Segment” is on CNS.News, too.

And American Renaissance, where the conversation is lively.

And, the great American Greatness, the voice of next-generation conservatism.

Watch a video version of this column on YouTube.

And excerpt:

… Tucker’s mistake was his contents-driven defense of these kiddie books:

“Dr. Seuss was not a racist. He was an evangelist against bigotry,” pleaded Tucker. “He wrote an entire shelf of books against racism, and not in a subtle way. They were clearly, explicitly against racism. That was the whole point of writing them, to teach children not to be racist.”


Even if Dr. Seuss was the pedagogic, sanctimonious bore Tucker makes him out to be—actual racism in the targeted literature should be a peripheral issue, or no issue at all.

The Argument from Freedom means arguing process, not content.

Whether he intended it or not, the premise of Tucker’s defense of Dr. Seuss is that if we do detect “legitimate” racism in literature—there is a case for banning it. (Now, Tucker might not have meant it that way, but, this is what the structure of his argument portends.)

By contrast, freedom makes the case for an unfettered free market in ideas, good and bad. Freedom argues for politically impolite books to be published and read freely.

Banning books, moreover, assumes a lack of choice and agency among individual human beings. It’s also predicated on a higher authority that decides for the rest of us which cultural products are fit for our consumption.

The Argument from Freedom means arguing not over the contents of Mein Kampf or McElligot’s Pool, but for their publication irrespective of their content.

Which is why I say freedom’s argument is an argument from process, and not content.

Mein Kampf, and any offensive literature, needs to be available in a free society to free men and women who want it. And not because of history; so that we don’t forget it or repeat it (blah, blah, blah, as I heard it enunciated by Seattle’s radio mouth, Jason Rantz, the other day).

Alas, in the face of the cancellation of people and publications, cancelled conservatives just keep these logically weak and, frankly, loser mea culpas coming. Like the Argument from Hitler, which is a kind of “WhatAboutism”:

“Amazon and eBay sell Mein Kampf, why not Dr. Seuss? I want what Hitler got, Amazon and eBay. Me too. Boo-hoo.”

Tweeted “Musil Protégé”: “Conservatives [inadvertently] condone presentism. As Audrey says in Whit Stillman’s Metropolitan: ‘Has it ever occurred to you that our world judged by the standards of Jane Austen’s time would (look ridiculous)?’”

Most great literature doesn’t meet the sub-intelligent standards of the woke illiterati, who control the intellectual means of production—the schools (primary, secondary, tertiary), the press, publishing houses, think tanks, Deep Tech and the Deep State. …

NEW COLUMN IS either “The Wussification Of The West: Will We Ban Shakespeare For Othello And Shylock?” Or, “How Tucker Could Have Crushed His Dr. Seuss Segment,” currently on WND.COM, the Unz Review and

How Tucker Could Have Crushed His Dr. Seuss Segment” is on CNS.News and American Renaissance as well.

Watch a video version of this column on YouTube.

UPDATE II (3/16): Facebook
Ray McClendon:

I’m a big Tucker fan too Ilana. Your article pointing out his arguments along with others who made the same argument give rise to mixed emotions. On the one hand, he (and they) are not wrong. There is some validity to their logic. After all, truth is often multifaceted. Plus, we’re all on the same side fighting side by side as allies in a common cause. On the other hand, you perform a great service when you point out there are far more substantive, powerful, and relevant arguments to be made, reminding me of that axiom, “Great minds may think alike, but greater minds think alone.” It’s why you’ve always been in a class by yourself. Thank you…

Ilana Mercer

No! I point to he fact that the argument from racism is irreverent if one is arguing classical liberal freedoms. Tucker, whom I love, was arguing from the leftist premise. The End. No argument. You can both love Tucker, and agree he presented a weak case for freedom. I do. That’s not wrong.

UPDATE III (4/9): When Adult humor is allowed:

Ed Powell:
“You are my favorite African-American.”
“That’s good ‘adult humor’. I am an African-American Jew.”
“@ILANAMERCER, LOL, Hitler wouldn’t have known what the hell to do with you.”
“I think he would.”