Category Archives: Propaganda

UPDATED (8/23): Afghanistan And Its Neighbors; China And Those Uyghurs

America, China, Foreign Policy, Globalism, Individual Rights, Islam, Jihad, Military, Neoconservatism, Propaganda

“The Uyghurs, the Uyghurs; China is oppressing the Uyghurs. Our values, our values; being an American means you must fret about the Uyghurs. You hear me, hillbilly? In fact, you can’t be an American unless you worry about the Uyghurs.” (Watch me!)

That’s the bobble heads on TV. As dumb as fuck, bereft of any deep, historical or geopolitical insights—they mouth shallow talking points, extracted from Wokipedia.

These TV twits and twats are used to telling their receptive, equally “knowledgeable” audiences that China has “thrown a million Uyghurs into prison camps.”

True (not that it’s any of our business).

What the dummies on the idiot’s lantern don’t tell you is that, “Uyghurs count among thousands of foreign jihadists active in Afghanistan, mostly enlisted in Taliban ranks.”

I’m not saying China is justified in interning a Jihad-prone population living in its midst, but neither are the overlords of the West (see “Our Overlords Who Art in D.C (2010)”, if you want to know how “overlords” drifted into such popular use) justified in jailing January 6 protesters  without due process, allowing the banning of innocent, law-abiding citizens from the banking establishments, threatening those who defend their homes with incarceration, on and on.

And it is about American dissidents that I care.

While menstrual America frets over “the images, the images, oh the images (“the children, the children)” coming out of Afghanistan; the grown-ups (or the men) in the region, whose countries abut Afghanistan, have gotten together to ensure that Jihad doesn’t spill over into their countries. It’s called acting in the national interest.

Excellent analysis in “Afghanistan’s neighbours are preparing for life with the Taliban: Regional powers are not looking forward to it. But they cannot agree on what to do about it.

UPDATE (8/23): “What Beijing has offered the Taliban so far is an open hand and a hint of legitimacy. In late July, China invited some Taliban leaders to meet Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Beijing. It was a significantly public gesture to demonstrate goodwill toward the insurgent group. In exchange, Taliban leaders pledged to leave Chinese interests in Afghanistan alone and not to harbor any anti-China extremist groups.” (NPR)

Sounds like China has a modest foreign policy. Striking not a military blow, but an agreement. If only…

*Images courtesy The Economist

The Woke Conservatism Of Ben Domenech And Fox News

Conservatism, Democrats, History, Populism, Propaganda, Pseudo-history, Race, Racism, Republicans, The State

Ben Domenech continues to sell soothing, snake-oil conservatism on FOX News Primetime.

In fact, Woke conservatism is a good moniker for Domenech’s conservatism .

Fox News, sometimes mistaken for the real deal, has signed this John McCain clan member on as a contributor. It’s how Beltway conservatives keep the wealth and the consensus in the political family.

When TV admits outsiders in, it’s only ever if, like J.D. Vance type elites, they’ve slithered  up through the Ivy League, or the military-industrial-complex; have gotten elected, preferably in moderate districts. There isn’t an independent thinker in the District of Columbia radius.

This time, On August 2, in dulcet tones, Domenech—who has a great speaking voice—was selling some court historian’s idea that Lincoln and his supporters were the quintessential populists.

That is quite funny. Lincoln was “a wealthy railroad lawyer”; “a card-carrying member of the Northern corporate elite“:

Via Tom DiLorenzo:

Lincoln proudly boasted that he had made more speeches promoting protectionism or legal plunder than on any other subject. He stumped for Whig party protectionist candidates for decades, and established himself as the most rabid mercantilist in American politics, the political son of Alexander Hamilton. As the general counsel of the Illinois Central Railroad who had represented all the major railroad corporations in the Mid-West, he was a card-carrying member of the Northern corporate elite who traveled on the legal circuit in a private train car courtesy of the Illinois Central, accompanied by an entourage of Illinois Central executives (See John Starr, Lincoln and the Railroads). As such, the Illinois plutocracy sponsored and financed his candidacy. A key part of their strategy was to use Lincoln’s protectionist credentials to win over the steel-manufacturing state of Pennsylvania which had the second-largest number of electoral votes at the time. Joseph Medill, the influential editor of the Chicago Press and Tribune, sold the Lincoln candidacy to the Pennsylvania Republican party by pointing out what a slick politician he was, “an old [Henry] Clay Whig, right on the tariff and . . . exactly right on all other issues.”

DiLorenzo and His Critics on the Lincoln Myth” is pretty neat, especially as Jim Ostrowski mentions the upheaval caused by the publication, in 2002, in WND of my review of Tom’s The Real Lincoln.

With two of the leading political websites in the world heralding his tome, and, and his book selling like statist intellectuals’ souls, the Church of Lincoln could not ignore DiLorenzo. When Ilana Mercer fired her starter’s pistol, the congregation raced to attack the book before it was even published.


Finally, A Free-Market Awakening: The Market For Medicine For The Unvaccinated Is HUGE

Argument, COVID-19, Critique, Healthcare, Propaganda, Science, The State

Medical maleficence! Medical malpractice—and a testament to the incurious, mediocrities most doctors are: This is how Peter MuCullough, as fine a thinker as he is a clinician, has characterized a consensus among the medical community that, for some reason, COVID-19 (unique among all diseases) is, and must remain, impervious to treatment.

Group think gripping Americans, in general, and institutionalized, intellectual atrophy and ineptness, in particular, have stopped doctors from doing what medicine had always done: come up with a combination of drugs to treat outpatients, and treat them early, so as to reduce hospitalizations and mortality from COVID-19.

Well, rays of freedom are peeking through the clouds. There is a large enough segment of the population which has reserved the right to question vaccines behind which are two months of clinical safety data (most vaccines can take years to approve), no formal FDA approval process, and  whose manufacturers are exempt by a corrupt state from liability.

These “foolish,” “irrational,” vaccine-resisters have also surmised rather rationally that, following the vaccination edict will come bullying about a booster, given the waning immune response conferred by Covid vaccines.

So, as corrupt as state-co-opted medicine has become; some free-market incentives are still in operation. All the more so in Japan, where an intelligent population has chosen not to vaccinate, for the most: at about 8%, rates of vaccination in Japan are extremely low.

A Japanese company sees an opportunity; a market for sensible treatment.

Via Daily Beast:

The race to develop an oral cure for COVID-19 has just heated up with the announcement that Japanese pharmaceutical company Shionogi has started human trials for its once-a day tablet meant to neutralize the virus in patients. Pfizer and Merck are already in later-stage trials for similar treatments, which are presently missing as a tool to battle the pandemic. Pfizer’s twice-daily treatment could be available by the end of 2021. The advent of a reliable cure would be especially important for those who cannot be vaccinated for health reasons, say medical experts.

Pfizer, too:

Pfizer has said its twice-daily pill could be ready to hit the market as soon as this year. It is preparing to enroll more than 2,000 patients in a test of the antiviral pill combined with a booster antiviral drug against a placebo.

All three companies aim to fill one of the biggest gaps in fighting the pandemic. Vaccines remain effective at preventing serious illness from known strains of the Covid-19 virus including the contagious Delta strain, studies have shown. But some people don’t want to get vaccinated, and cases can occur for those who do get their shots.

Of course, thanks to the pockets of free-market medicine extant in the USA, there are already heroic frontline doctors, fine, courageous and imaginative clinicians—the best of the best—who’re acting to treat patients with an existing arsenal of well-tested and already approved medicines.

*Image courtesy Reuters.

UPDATED (9/29/022): Iranian Mad-Hatter Masih Alinejad: Please, Take Her

Feminism, Gender, Intelligence, Iran, Journalism, Neoconservatism, Propaganda


When Iranian dissidents approach me on LinkedIn, I confess to ignoring them. They are invariably interventionist agitators, and I’m an avid, longtime non-interventionist, as you know.

Loud, banal, with a mad-woman’s tumbleweed hair; mouthing the kind of cliched ideas of which we have an abundance and get a load of incessantly in America from the most tiresome, troublesome #MeToo women—Masih Alinejad, Iranian-American “journalist,” is alleged to have been the object of a kidnapping plot by the Iranian mullahs.

However, I don’t believe the Iranians want her back. (Would you? She’s hardly a keeper.)  I don’t buy the whole hype around the alleged kidnapping plot hatched by Iranians. The FBI says so. Yes: Where have we heard that before without a shred of evidence!? (We go to wars based on the intelligence community’s habitual lies.)


She said she had been working with the Federal Bureau of Investigation since the agency approached her eight months ago with photographs taken by the plotters.

What do you know? This has been going on for a while. Well, it takes time (and funds) for the FBI to lay a trap.

This sounds like vintage FBI entrapment. Some low IQ Abduls are enticed by out-of-control FBI agents into committing a crime they had no intention of committing until approached.

The woman, Alinejad, is irksome, but she’s irrelevant in the American and Iranian grander scheme.

Just like they need to pick-up the scent and chase after Cuba, the neoconservative press and political establishment likes to push the idea that America—near bankrupt, financially and morally—needs to bestow freedom on Iran. Ludicrous.

Lift embargoes on both Iran and Cuba. Both are impoverished. And with respect to Iran, let the International Atomic Energy Agency do its job. (The IAEA is pretty good, and was spot on about Iraq!) The Europeans don’t want a nuclear Iran in their neighborhood. That’s the best we can do without destroying another country with hubris.

*Image credit