Category Archives: Racism

Andrew Breitbart’s Call To Arms: “FUCK YOU. WAR.”


With Andrew Breitbart it was biblical.

Indeed, the only response to those who accuse me of racism because I don’t think like they do or do as they do is:


God bless Andrew Breitbart. May he continue to rage, rage from the grave.

That and this. READ:

• “Systemic Racism’ Or Systemic Rubbish?
• “
Was The Cop’s Knee On George Floyd’s Neck Racism? No!”
• “
Ethnocidal ‘Critical Race Theory’ Is Upon Us Like White On Rice
• “
Racist Theory Robs And Rapes Reality

UPDATE (11/10): Andrew Breitbart’s Call To Arms is now ours.


Conservatives Refuse To Call Out Critical Race Theory As Exclusively ‘Anti-White’


“CRT is an exclusively anti-White set of abstract, ethnocidal ideas, convicting an entire racial group for metaphysical crimes.”–ILANA MERCER, “Critical Racist Theory Robs And Rapes Reality.”

How is it possible to discuss Critical Race Theory and fail to mention its salient characteristic—that it is exclusively anti-white, ethnocidal agitprop?

Easily, if one is a Beltway conservative. They complain a lot about Critical Race Theory, and construct elaborate theories around its crass edifice, yet seem constitutionally or congenitally incapable of calling it what it is: exclusively anti-white.

All conservatives can muster, seemingly, is to accuse Critical Race Theory peddlers of preventing multicultural America from having that big group hug we all crave and know we are capable of.

For example, this Federalist piece, “Critical Race Theory Is A Classic Communist Divide-And-Conquer Tactic,” hides behind the term “identity politics,” and decries a way of thinking that exploits the amorphous “tragedy of racial divisions in America.”  Some bad people with a communist mindset and a manual aren’t interested in healing. Boohoo.

Really? I didn’t know that Communism revolved around the exclusive subjugation of whites?

If reality means anything, this is bizarre and wrong. America is racially divided. Blacks, for the most, hate whites for a variety of unjust reasons (not least the incessant propagandizing by other progressive whites). They want to hurt them and make them pay. For what? For everything; for whatever is wrong with their lives. Deal with that truth. Communism is but an intellectual crutch.

Deferring to communism allows the ever-quaking conservatives to hide behind respectable argument.

As to that Uriah Heep like obsequiousness: Going by this Federalist writer, conservatives refuse to even take credit for the culture for which Europeans are being berated. So they universalize the creed (the Protestant Ethic).

Recall the “‘Smithsonian display on “whiteness’ that condemned all elements of civil society, including politeness, hard work, self-reliance, logic, planning, and family cohesion”? “None of those are ‘white’ values, but critical race theory frames them just so,” assures the aforementioned author.

Rubbish! These values are most pronounced in the European culture. One might even call them Western European by nature, because the sanctity of the handshake, the word-of-mouth promise, the contract—the things that made capitalism take so well in the Anglo-American world: These are not really part of the East European ethos.

Imagine being so servile and apologetic that you wash your hands of a really cool thing you invented.

Hybrid conservative Dave Rubin also won’t say it. Critical Race Theory is … wait for it, “racist.” We’ll leave it at that, shall we, Rubin seems to be saying. Racist? Is it anti black, Hispanic, Asian? Naturally not.

Even Christopher F. Rufo, formidable warrior against institutionalized Critical race Theory, still can’t bring himself to SAY IT.

By Rufo’s definition, CRT is “a radical ideology that advocates the overthrow of capitalism, meritocracy, and equal protection under the law.” Maybe. But those lowly goals are secondary to singling out whites for a unique form of subjugation and intimidation.



Political racism is, however, properly deconstructed in these columns:

‘Systemic Racism’ Or Systemic Rubbish?
Was The Cop’s Knee On George Floyd’s Neck ‘Racism’? No!
Ethnocidal ‘Critical Race Theory’ Is Upon Us Like White On Rice
Critical Racist Theory Robs And Rapes Reality

Trump Won: He Floated Like A Butterfly And Stung Like A Bee


The first presidential debate, Tuesday, was also the first bit of fun we’ve had in a while. A real hoot. While President Trump failed to float his theory about that “big injection” Biden’s handlers administer in the Democrat’s behind to prop and pep him up, as POTUS did during a recent rally—Mr. Trump provided plenty energy and entertainment.

“If you didn’t enjoy that debate, you are a soy-boy, beta cuck,” a fun fella tweeted out .

Don’t get all sanctimonious. When I wrote The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed, I stipulated that “we inhabit what broadcaster Mark Levin has termed a post-constitutional America, a post-constitutional jungle, where the law of the jungle prevails.

In the age of unconstitutional government, contended The Trump Revolution, the best liberty lovers can look to is “action and counteraction, force and counterforce in the service of liberty.” Until such time when the individual is king again, and a decentralized constitution that guarantees regional and individual autonomy has been restored—the process of creative destruction begun by Mr. Trump is likely the best Americans can hope for.

Things have worsened since then. Civilized debate was not to be had, the Trump agenda having long since been discredited by the smart set. What remains is to win by brute force. The best one can hope for in country riven by irreconcilable conflict and driven to distraction by Trump Derangement Syndrome is to win a debate and score a few laughs. Those the president delivered in spades.  He blattered Joe Biden and was funny in the process.

As predicted, the first presidential debate, Tuesday, September 29, was also the first bit of fun we’ve had for a long time. POTUS circulated Biden like Cassius Clay, aka Muhammad Ali: he floated like a butterfly and certainly stung like a bee. However, in Biden’s defense one must concede that the poor thing was not on the ropes. He held on for all he was worth.

Judging by the rabid frothing and foaming on CNN, Trump did indeed win the Tuesday debate. Anderson Cooper whinged to Republican Rick Santorum: “It’s not even funny. Are you proud of the president?? Santorum could not conceal a smirk: “He came out HOT.”

Van Jones: “Three things happened: The president refused to condemn White Supremacy. The president refused to condemn White Supremacy. The president refused to condemn White Supremacy. Gloria Borger, also of CNN, required sedation.?

What did I tell you? All the indicators of a successful evening for the president.

To top is all, Trump refused to call Gavin McInnes and his Proud Boys white supremacists. How stunningly good was that? Roared POTUS: “Proud Boys standback and standby. This is not a right-wing problem; it’s the Left. Somebody has to do something about Antifa.”

The Proud Boys are anti-Antifa street brawlers (although whites fighting back is racist by default).

“The Kids” came up again, a barometer of all things silly. Only a silly society goes by the tantrums of The Kids, who’re just aping their parents. But to our joy, they, the little perspicacious brats, brought CNN’s Dana Bash to tears. Yes, Donald Trump is bad for the nation’s well-indoctrinated kids, who perform on cue.

NEW COLUMN UPDATED (9/25): Critical Race Theory Robs And Rapes Reality


NEW COLUMN is “Critical Race Theory Robs And Rapes Reality.” It appeared on,, The Unz Review, Newsroom For American And European Based Citizens, and is now featured on American Greatness.

It is the fourth and last in deconstructing the pernicious construct that is racism.

Your Anti-Critical Race Theory Analytical Ammunition:
1. ‘Systemic Racism’ Or Systemic Rubbish?
2. Was The Cop’s Knee On George Floyd’s Neck ‘Racism’? No!’?
3. “Ethnocidal ‘Critical Race Theory’ Is Upon Us Like White On Rice
4. “Critical Race Theory Theory Robs And Rapes Reality

An excerpt:

Inciting racial hatred against whites is all in a day’s work on CNN. It devolves into a more festive affair when a celebrity like DL Hughley joins the network’s conga-line of cretins.

In a July segment, the comedian, author of Surrender, White People!, regaled those CNN viewers of a masochistic mindset, by comparing “racism” to COVID-19.

Whitey, belched Hughley—who used to be witty and is now a drag—can be an asymptomatic carrier of racism. Just because you haven’t done anything racist, doesn’t mean you aren’t racist.

Pay no attention to the COVID-race comparison. It’s the Left’s lowbrow idea of an intellectual quip. Be mindful, however, of the “guilty if you do, guilty if you don’t” pop-jurisprudence. Collectively convicting an entire racial group for metaphysical crimes is the cornerstone of the Critical Race Theory.

Flouting Western judicial philosophy, Critical Race Theory says you are a racist without having committed racism, which is like being a murderer, robber or rapist without having murdered, robbed or raped.

How does that jurisprudence strike you?

It strikes the reasonable, fair-minded member of society as “less than human, less than coherent, less than sane.”


Deconstructed, racism, as deployed by Critical Race racists, is purely a metaphysical affair. It doesn’t survive contact with reality, relying for its validation on a loose relationship with the real world.

You might say Critical Race Theory is anchored in symbolism and not realism.

Ditto Critical Race Feminism, a subspecies of Critical Race Theory, the symbolic nature of which I had traced in a 2001, Ottawa Citizen column:

Women’s studies courses and English departments have long been littered with [postmodernism’s] lumpen jargon. There, text is routinely deconstructed and shred. Subjected to this academic acid, Shakespeare, Tolstoy, and T. S. Eliot are whittled down to no more than ruling-class oppressors, their artistry reduced to the bare bones of alleged power relationships in society. All this glumness is due to a theory, no more, and one based on a partial and insular view of history [and reality].

To properly place the oppressiveness of all critical theory in perspective, a young man followed-up that column by writing me a personalized tale of desperation. He had the misfortune of drawing a skyscraper in art class. His creation was alighted on by his professor-cum-oppressor and right away called out for being a phallic symbol, offensive to womenfolk, meant as a symbolic assertion of his dominance qua male.

Where is reality in all this white noise? Nowhere. This nonsense exists solely in the heads of demented distaff and their house-broken, white, liberal, male accomplices. …

… READ THE REST. NEW COLUMN is “Racist Theory Robs And Rapes Reality.” It appeared on,, The Unz Review, Newsroom For American And European Based Citizens. It is currently featured on American Greatness.

UPDATED (9/25):

Dr.C. Fhandrich appeals to ‘dunderheads’ who dog this column, but fail to read it:

The absolute DUNDERHEADEDNESS, of millions of whites is evident in the fact that this brilliant little essay, which concerns the welfare and safety of whites in the very nation they founded, has to now had a mere 8 comments. What is it with so many “whites”? Too busy playing “paintball warrior”?Too busy debating what form of crack you should try? Too much in pain from taking the “knee” too often???