Category Archives: THE ELITES

NEW COLUMN: Deplorables, Cancel The January 6 PSYOP!

Democrats, History, libertarianism, Media, Paleolibertarianism, Populism, Propaganda, Pseudo-history, Republicans, Rights, Russia, THE ELITES, The Establishment, The State

NEW COLUMN is “Deplorables, Cancel The January 6 PSYOP!” It is currently featured on WND.COM, and The Unz Review.

A short except:

The anniversary of January 6 is upon us. In deranged Democrat nomenclature, “It was an insurrection”—apparently the deadliest in U.S. history. To their disgrace, Jan. 6 has indeed become the Democrat’s 9/11.

Deplorables should rejoice for the Democrats are having a fit, and that’s fun. Rejoice, but do not partake in or dignify the production. Ignore Jan. 6 as you would “spam for penis extensions.”

Stay away from the force-field of evil that is the Democrats’ Jan. 6 Psychological Operation (PSYOP). Much like the Russia hoax—it was a plot to unseat a president—the Jan. 6 monomania is meant to overthrow a people, MAGA America. …

… If Democrats can defend their rioters, the Republican Party must represent theirs and secure them their Constitutional due-process rights still denied.

Above all, MAGA America must cancel Jan. 6; consider it a civilian Psychological Operation intended to “induce” and “reinforce behavior” meant to politically and psychologically pulverize the Democrats’ enemies: us. …

For now, read Deplorables, Cancel The January 6 PSYOP!” on WND.COM, or The Unz Review.

UPDATED (1/7/022): NEW. WATCH: Deplorables, Cancel The January 6 PSYOP!

Argument, libertarianism, Media, Paleolibertarianism, Republicans, THE ELITES, The Establishment, The State

WATCH: “Deplorables, Cancel The January 6 PSYOP!

The anniversary of January 6 is upon us. In deranged Democrat nomenclature, “It was an insurrection”—apparently the deadliest in U.S. history. To their disgrace, Jan. 6 is indeed the Democrat’s 9/11.

Deplorables should rejoice, because the Democrats are having a fit. Rejoice, but don’t partake in or dignify the production. Ignore Jan. 6 as you would “spam for penis extensions.”

Stay away from the force-field of evil that is the Democrats’ Jan. 6 Psychological Operation (PSYOP). Much like the Russia hoax, which was a plot to unseat a president; the Jan. 6 monomania is meant to overthrow a people, MAGA America.

WATCH: “Deplorables, Cancel The January 6 PSYOP!

UPDATE (1/7/022): Happy birthday, mommy. Ignore the January Sixers.

UPDATE (11/16/021): NEW Video: Take Your Medicine, Little Man, Or Lose Your Meal Ticket

COVID-19, Globalism, Healthcare, Individual Rights, Labor, Political Philosophy, Propaganda, Pseudoscience, Science, THE ELITES, The State

Working Brits have more COVID liberty than Americans – really! On vax mandates, Pfizer’s ‘new’ pill, and the latest on ‘charmless’ Greta Thunberg

America, wake up! The British, from whom we seceded for freedom’s sake, don’t have vaccine mandates. These particular individual rights are more protected in the UK than in the US.

This week’s Hard Truth with David Vance and yours truly teases out the difference between British and American vaccine-mandate tyranny: The US loses. And, it’s not even close!

The World Health Organization has redefined what vaccines are whilst Pfizer produces a Pill less effective than Ivermectin, costs vastly more, yet works in the same way as a protease inhibitor!

Finally, global warming activist Greta Thunberg goes death metal! To this poor, singularly charmless girl we say, “Growl on Greta!”

Watch: “Take Your Medicine, Little Man, Or Lose Your Meal Ticket

Listen via the Hard Truth podcast to “Take Your Medicine, Little Man, Or Lose Your Meal Ticket.

UPDATE (11/16/021): Lose your meal ticket and your freedom of movement:

The Left is Hitlerian! Austria has placed the unvaccinated under house arrest. The Austrian government now deserves to be reminded of its past: Anschluss, its collaboration with Hitler and its virulent, deadly Anti-Semitism.

UPDATE II (12/21/021): NEW COLUMN: Centralize Liberty: The Solution To Wicked, Woke Tech (Part 3)

Free Speech, Individual Rights, Justice, Labor, Law, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, libertarianism, Natural Law, Political Philosophy, Private Property, Republicans, Technology, The Courts, THE ELITES

NEW COLUMN: “Centralize Liberty: The Solution To Wicked, Woke Tech,” is now on WND.COM, The Unz Review, CNSNews, and The New American.

This column is Part 3 of a 3-part series. Read Part 1, “Big Tech’s Financial Terrorism And Social Excommunication” and Part 2, “Justice Thomas’ Solution to Big Tech’s Social And Financial Excommunication.”

An excerpt:

It is inarguable that by financially crippling and socially segregating, and banishing politically irksome people and enterprises—the Big Tech cartel is flouting the spirit, if not the strict letter, of the Civil Rights Act.

For how do you make a living if your banking options are increasingly curtailed and constantly threatened, and your ability to electronically communicate with clients is likewise circumscribed?

Do you go back to a barter economy (a book for some bread)? Do you go underground? Cultivate home-based industries? Do you keep afloat by word of mouth? Go door-to-door? Return to stamping envelopes? How can you, when your client base is purely electronic?

Telling an individual he can’t open a bank account on account of the beliefs and opinions swirling in his head teeters on informing your innocent victim he might not be able to make a living, as do other, politically more polite Americans, and despite his innocence: Our only “offenses” as dissidents are thought crimes, namely, speaking, or typing or wafting into the air unpopular, impolite words.

“[I]n assessing whether a company exercises substantial market power,” Justice Clarence Thomas has argued, “what matters is whether the alternatives are comparable. For many of today’s digital platforms, nothing is.”

To paraphrase this Supreme Court jurist: Sure, there are alternatives to The Big Tech, but these make a mockery of the outcast. It would hardly be hyperbole, in driving home Justice Thomas’s point about comparability, to put it thus:

With respect to financial de-platforming, barring someone from PayPal is like prohibiting a passenger from crossing the English Channel by high-speed train, via ferry and by means of 90 percent of airplanes. “Have at it sucker.”

By Deep Tech decree, some Americans are worth more than others, based not on their actions, but on the voiced thoughts in their heads. This cannot stand.

The letter of the law needs changing. Do it.

Civil Rights Act

Thus, the preferred remedy to Deep Tech depredations would build upon existing Civil Rights Act jurisprudence.

As a reality-oriented conservative libertarian, I inhabit and theorize in the real world. From the conservative-libertarian’s perspective, Barry Goldwater got it right. Civil Rights law is an ass, for it infringes on property rights. But the onus is on flaccid Republican lawmakers to ensure that that ass can be ridden by all equally (with apologies to adorable, much-abused donkeys for the cruel metaphor).

These are existing laws that are already enforced. I see no reason to reject the application of civil rights solutions to wicked, woke bullies because existing laws that’ll never be repealed go against my core beliefs. What is libertarianism? The art of losing in life because of a slavish devotion to theoretical purity? …

NEW COLUMN, “Centralize Liberty: The Solution To Wicked, Woke Tech,” can be read now on WND.COM, The Unz Review, CNSNews, and The New American.

UPDATED (10/26/021) I:

UPDATE II (12/21/021) II: “Berenson v. Twitter“:

Twitter is indisputably a messenger service. A longstanding California law regulates messenger services as “common carriers.” This means that they must accept all messages they receive. Twitter thus must accept all tweets it receives. It has no First Amendment rights to refuse them on the basis that it does not agree with them.
A federal law commonly called Section 230 “preempts” the California law, giving Twitter the right to reject tweets or ban users. (Whether that right is universal or whether Twitter must act in “good faith” in restricting service is a separate question; whether Twitter acted in “good faith” in this case is still another question. But put those issues aside for the moment.)
Section 230 is what enables Twitter to claim a First Amendment privilege that supersedes the California law and restrict my own First Amendment right to speak; thus federal courts have the right to review 230 on First Amendment grounds.